I am quite new to SAS, and I am having a general question that I am interested in:
This question englobes 3 small questions:
Those are:
Is it possible to do so ?
I have not been able to supply my SAS file example for it, but it would only have something written the Main program, which is:
%let products = A B; %let years = 2014 2015; for year in years: for type in products: (1) create flux with name product{i}years{year} (2) copypaste the programs Code1, Code2 with name as shown in example (3) run Code1-YYYYP, Code2-YYYYP
I don't either want someone to make me the loops, since I can do that. I only want to know the code for inside the loop.
Thank you in advanced for your time and consideration,
You cannot use SAS code to control Enterprise Guide. Enterprise GUI is Windows application that can connect to a SAS server and allow you to create and run SAS programs. But the puppet cannot control the puppeteer.
You could try seeing if a custom TASK in Enterprise Guide could do something like what you want. https://support.sas.com/documentation/onlinedoc/guide/customtasks/book/