If I search on a table with a Name field using "^Word$"
it will find it.
If I have a Wordform in a Word1 Word2 > Word3
construction e.g.
United States of America > USA
the same query will work. However if I do the same wordform in reverse e.g. Word3 > Word1 Word2
USA > United States of America
Then is is not found using the same start/end modifier. However my habit is to do Word1 > Word2 Word3
so that Word 2 and Word 3 can still be found in a search which won't work the other way.
Is there a way to set up the Start/End modifier search so that it still finds W1 > W2 W3
The only suggestion I have is to use regexp_filter
to do the expansion, rather than wordforms.
regexp_filter = \bUSA\b => United States of America
or similar. benefit have more control over capitaization (eg only do uppercase USA)
This means, the expansion happens much earlier in the tokeniation process, meaning it has less effect on extended query syntax.
In theory a query
should then be turned into
"^United States of America$"
which still works :)
I think wordforms dont work, because America$
will have been put into the index as a keyword. But the query looking for both ^ and $ on the one word.