I'm trying to Generate a 6 digit code to be used for 2 factor authentication, at a first glance I might do something like this:
Random random = new Random();
var securitycode = random.Next(1000000, 10000000);
However this seems somewhat insecure to me because, there probably is a way to predict the next number if you can figure out the seeds by grabbing alot of security codes.
I'm thinking there is a better way to get a secure code using RNGCryptoServiceProvider
but i'm a bit confused on how I can assure that the code generated is 6 digits
private string GenerateSecurityCode(int length)
var provider = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
var byteArray = new byte[8];
var code = BitConverter.ToUInt32(byteArray, 0);
//how can I assure the code is 6 digits
Is this a secure way to generate MFA Codes, if not what would be a good method for Generating numeric codes?
I've just modulo the bytes now to return the code:
private string GenerateSecurityCode()
var buffer = new byte[sizeof(UInt64)];
var cryptoRng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
var num = BitConverter.ToUInt64(buffer, 0);
var code = num % 1000000;
return code.ToString("D6");