To minimize the setup-time for attaching a debug session to the remote pod (microservice deployed on OpenShift) using intelliJ, I am trying to get the most out of the 'Before launch'-setting of the Remote Debug-Configuration.
I use 2 steps before attaching the debugger to the JVM Socket with following command-line arguments (this setup works but needs editing every new deploy);
step 1: external tools: oc with arguments:
step 2: external tools: oc with arguments:
microservice-name-65-6bhz8 -> this needs to be changed after every deploy
background info: this is the info in the service his YAML under spec>containers>env:
value: >-
As the name of the pod changes every (re-)deploy I am trying to find a oc-command which can be used to port-forward without having to provide the pod-name.(eg. based on the service-name) Or a completely other solution that allows me to hit 1 button to setup a debug-session (preferably in intelliJ).
> Screenshot IntelliJ settings
----------------------------- edit after tips -------------------------------
For now I made a small batch-script which does the trick: Feel free to help on a even faster solution (I'm checking or other intelliJent solutions
set /p _username=Type your username:
set /p _password=Type your password:
oc login replace-with-openshift-console-url --username=%_username% --password=%_password%
oc project replace-with-project-name
oc get pods --selector app=replace-with-app-name -o jsonpath={.items[?(@.status.phase=='Running')]} > temp.txt
set /p PODNAME= <temp.txt
del temp.txt
oc port-forward %PODNAME% 8000 3000 3001
Your going to need the pod name in order to port forward but of course you can fetch that programatically consistantly so you don't need to update in place every time.
There are a number of ways you can do this, via jsonpath, go template, bash etc. An example would be to use the following, replacing your app name as required:
oc get pod -l app=replace-me -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"\n"}{end}'