I have the following routes inside my Rails.application.routes
get '/c/*name', :to => 'categories#show', :as => :filter_categories
get '/c/*name/*token', :to => 'categories#nest_products', :as => :nest_categories
and this controller
class CategoriesController < ApplicationController
def show
@products, @filters = ProductFilterService.new(params[:name]).filter_by_taxon
@selected_taxons = ProductFilterService.new(params[:name]).selected_taxons
def nest_products
puts params[:token]
render :show
trying like this example localhost:3000/adidas/fH72VLNlAma2JWc, i want to excecute the method nest_products but always goes to method show.
Just change the declaration order of your routes like this, so it matches nest_categories
first if you have a token
param :
get '/c/*name/*token', :to => 'categories#nest_products', :as => :nest_categories
get '/c/*name', :to => 'categories#show', :as => :filter_categories
Because localhost:3000/adidas/fH72VLNlAma2JWc
matches both routes, you need to declare the most specific first.