I am turning into GCP "Google cloud platform" to train a Keras model using google's powerful GPUs, for that I created an instance of VM on which I run a JupyterLab notebook.
I found my self unable to access my data that is stored as a bucket on google storage.
I found this small doc, under python, they define two function allowing to create and fill a dataset. my problem here is that I couldn't install the datalabeling_v1beta1 module.
I already tried the command below but had no result.
! gcloud components install datalab
I am new to GCP, so I really don't know much about the terminology, my goal for the moment is to uplaod my set of data to be able to use it as if I were on Google Colab or on my local machine.
Please refer to installing dependencies
Create a new notebook, File -> New -> Notebook
%pip install google-cloud-datalabeling
For Data labeling reference