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Error when installing Garfield++ with make on Ubuntu 18.04

I'm trying to install garfield++ to work with my geant4 installation, so I followed the installation instruction provided by CERN to clone the git repository but when I use make I got this error:

Messages de l'assembleur:
Erreur fatale: ne peut créer /home/garfield/Object/ComponentTcad3d.o: Permission non accordée
makefile:211: recipe for target '/home/garfield/Object/ComponentTcad3d.o' failed
make: *** [/home/garfield/Object/ComponentTcad3d.o] Error 1

I'm in my personal folder and use the last ROOT version.

Thank you for your help.


  • I change my version of ROOT , instead of just using the pre-compiled one given by CERN I build my own with source.

    Then I use their second method (creating a build directory, using Cmake .. into it and then make and it succeed ! So I think it was a mismatch between my version of cmake and their used to compiled ROOT