I am using the getActiveNetworkInfo
to get the network that the user is connected and using the isConnected
to verify if it is connected. I am doing this with the following code:
val connectivityManager = getSystemService(CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE) as ConnectivityManager?
val activeNetworkInfo = connectivityManager?.activeNetworkInfo
return activeNetworkInfo?.isConnected == true
The problem is that if the user is connected for example to a wifi that has no internet connection, the isConnected
returns true.
How can I verify if this network connection has internet connection?
I know that I can execute a request to some service to verify if the user is connected, but my intention is to show a banner for the user inside the app to notify him that he has no internet connection. So for example when he request something, I can notify the user that it will not work and don't show a loading and then an error message.
Keep pooling a service to verify the internet connection is not an alternative either way, it will not be efficient in terms of data and battery usage.
I don't think Android supports checking if the network being connected to is really usable. The only way is to ping some site yourself, or just show the error message banner after the user requesting a connection.