I tried to write some data in Fortran:
program Problem
DATA X /0.0950125098D0, 0.2816035507D0, 0.4580167776D0, 0.6178762444D0
+ , 0.7554044083D0, 0.8656312023D0, 0.9445750230D0, 0.9894009349D0/
DATA W /0.1894506104D0, 0.1826034150D0, 0.1691565193D0, 0.1495959888D0
+ , 0.1246289712D0, 0.0951585116D0, 0.0622535239D0, 0.0271524594D0/
D = 0.D0
DO NJ=1,8
D = D + X(NJ) + W(NJ)
write(*,*) D
But I always get the following error message: Unexpected attribute declaration statement at (1)
Does anybody know why?
As already stated by others you should use the new fortran standard. If you do that you can just remove the "+" you used to indicate a continuation line (should have been in column 6) and instead add an ampersand "&" at the end of the line that should be continued. Then the program compiles and runs. But as X and W are single precision you use too many digits in your data statement. Use implicit none and declare all variables. And get a textbook.