I'd like to update multiple rows in a single query:
//threadIDs is a variable length slice of integers like [3 5 6]
query := "UPDATE message SET recipient_deleted=? WHERE recipient_id=? AND thread_id IN ?"
_, err := database.SQL.Exec( query, 1, userID, threadIDs)
if err != nil {
But I get this runtime error:
sql: converting argument $3 type: unsupported type []int, a slice of int
How can I fix this?
You can use sqlx.In
which returns a new query and a new args slice that you then use instead of your original values, like so:
query := "UPDATE message SET recipient_deleted=? WHERE recipient_id=? AND thread_id IN (?)"
qry, args, err := sqlx.In(query, 1, userID, threadIDs)
if err != nil {
if _, err := database.SQL.Exec(qry, args...); err != nil {