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How do I write multiple API requests to a valid JSON file?

I am trying to requests multiple api calls in a python script. As my code is set up now I am using requests to making connections and looping through the API urls. The JSON response is written to a file so I can manipulate the data externally. I am able to make the connection and write the response to a file without a problem. However my problem arises when I try to validate the completed file in jsonlint which tells me that I have multiple top level fields, which look to be the response headers. So the question is how can I loop through my APIs to write a single valid JSON file?

So far I have tried changing the JSON response into a python dictionary and now I am at a bit of a loss on what to try next..

Here is my request/file writing snippet:

for x, y in sites[data[z]].items():
    url = "".join(y['host'] + endpoint + 'customer_id=' + y['customer_id'] +
                  '&requestor_id=' + y['requestor_id'] + '&api_key=' + y['api_key'])
    urls = url + "&begin_date=" + begin + "&end_date=" + end

    r = requests.get(urls)  # make connections to vendors
    print("Connection Status: ", r.status_code)  # print http response code

        r.json()  # get data from vendors
    except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
        print(urls, "This is not a JSON format..")  # catch vendor JSON errors

    print("I'm saving your usage statistics to a text file.")
    with open(reportName + '-' + begin + '-' + end + '.json', 'a') as datafile:
        json.dump(r.json(), datafile)  # write api resp to .JSON file

    print("I'\'m done writing your usages to file:" + reportName + '-' + begin
          + '-' + end + ".json.")

Here is the api response

   "Report_Header":{  },
   "Report_Items":[  ]
   "Report_Header":{  },
   "Report_Items":[  ]


  • Instead of collecting all the responses in a list and then writing them, you could construct a JSON file of this form,

       "Report_Header":{  },
       "Report_Items":[  ]
       "Report_Header":{  },
       "Report_Items":[  ]

    Which is actually a valid json object. You could achieve it by having the following modifications to your code:

    with open(fileName, 'a') as datafile:
    for x, y in sites[data[z]].items():
        url = "".join(y['host'] + endpoint + 'customer_id=' + y['customer_id'] +
                      '&requestor_id=' + y['requestor_id'] + '&api_key=' + y['api_key'])
        urls = url + "&begin_date=" + begin + "&end_date=" + end
        r = requests.get(urls)  # make connections to vendors
        print("Connection Status: ", r.status_code)  # print http response code
            r.json()  # get data from vendors
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
            print(urls, "This is not a JSON format..")  # catch vendor JSON errors
        print("I'm saving your usage statistics to a text file.")
        with open(fileName, 'a') as datafile:
            json.dump(r.json(), datafile)  # write api resp to .JSON file
            datafile.write(",") # add comma for JSON array element
    with open(fileName, 'a') as datafile:, os.SEEK_END) # Move to last - 1, os.SEEK_SET) # back One character
        datafile.truncate() # Delete the last comma ","
    print("I'\'m done writing your usages to file:" + fileName)

    Now you can parse the JSON file for your external uses however you want.