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Translate a list of multiple words into a list of multiple numbers using a dictionary in Python(2.7.1)

I have a code "aaabbbcccdddeee" that I split up into 3 letter words (such as 'aaa','bbb','ccc' . . . and so on) and assigned a number value to them using d=dict(zip(('aaa','bbb','ccc','ddd','eee'),(123,234,345,456,567)))

If I have a random sequence of 3 letter words


How can I create a list that converts the RANDOM list into a list composed of the number values that were assigned previously in the dictionary

Example: RANDOM="'aaa','bbb','ddd','ccc','eee','ddd','bbb','aaa','eee','ccc'"' to produce '123','234','456','345','567','456','234','123','567','345'

I found out how to do it for 1 value:

>>> x=d['aaa']

>>> print x

>>> 123

How do I do it for the whole list of RANDOM? It does not work if i simply put:

>>> y=d['aaa','bbb','ddd','ccc',...]

Does anyone know why this won't work or how to get it to work to get the full list of numbers . i.e. 123,234,456,345,...?

I have been messing with this on and off for a few weeks. It's not homework if your wondering, but this can help me with my studies in other areas. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • y=d['aaa','bbb','ddd','ccc',...] won't work because 'aaa','bbb','ddd','ccc' is not a valid key. The y = d[ ... ] looks up a SINGLE key value, and returns the SINGLE matching entry for that key in the dictionary.

    So, you just need to translate each entry one at a time.




    and then a = [y, x, z] ... etc.

    or, being more intelligent, we can use a loop that loops based on the length of the RANDOM list.

    a = list()

    for x in RANDOM:


    or, to be fancy

    a = [d[x] for x in RANDOM]