I'm throwing and error like this somewhere in mode code:
throw new Error({
name: 'notFound',
message: 'Book not found'
And I have a onPreResponse
server extension:
server.ext('onPreResponse', async ({ response }, h) => {
if (isErrorResponse(response)) {
// So, here the "data" property is null and I can not access name and message
return h.continue;
Because data is null, I can not access my name and message. But if I throw normal object I will have those two properties just fine. Although that would be a hapi error Cannot throw non-error object
Without too much knowledge about the intention of capturing errors by onPreResponse there might be a few things here that can be considered
The response object when set. The object can be modified but must not be assigned another object. To replace the response with another from within an extension point, return a new response value. Contains null when no response has been set (e.g. when a request terminates prematurely when the client disconnects).
So data being null is the expected behaviour so I understand that you want to enrich errors somehow. An error throwed in Hapi is automatically converted to a Boom object now you are trying to throw and Error that is not right constructed, see Error constructor docs first param is an error message not a custom object. Instead you can use a Boom error that the constructor allows you to put custom data in there, e.g.
throw new Boom('Book not found', { statusCode: 404, decorate: { custom: 'custom' } });
So if you throw that one you should see the following properties
"data": null,
"isBoom": true,
"isServer": false,
"output": {
"statusCode": 404,
"payload": {
"statusCode": 404,
"error": "Not Found",
"message": "Book not found"
"headers": {}
"custom": "custom"
You can now add some logging to check if a response is an error ( if(response.isBoom) ) and reading the custom info passed down by your error. Anyway I do think that should be better not to have to use this type of logic within onPreResponse extension, I would try to use common error handling bubbling error from deeper layers to the request handler and returning a proper Boom error from there.