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Matlab - Properly setting up fmincon when objective and nonlinear constriants need parameters

I am trying to follow the advice given here

but I am having trouble. I have a complicated objective to minimize subject to complicated nonlinear constraints, all of which are functions of my 3 choice variables, and a wide variety of parameters. My script that starts everything looks like this:

% define a bunch of parameters
gamma= .2;
beta = .3; %
x0=[.5 .5 .5];
solution = nested_minimization_program(x0,gamma,beta)

Nested_minimization_program looks like this:

function out = nest_minimization-program(x0,gamma,beta)
options = optimset('GradObj','on');
out = fmincon(@objective,x0,[],[],[],[],[0 0 0],[1 1 1],@nonlin,options)
 function [obj obj_gradient] = objective(x)
   [obj obj_gradient] = complicated_objective(x,gamma,beta);
 function [ineq_constriant eq_constraint] = nonlin(x)
  [ineq_constriant eq_constraint] = complicated_constaints(x,beta,gamma)

Complicated_objective is a file that returns the value of the objective for its first argument, and the value of anlaytical gradient for its second. Complicated_constaints returns a vector of nonlinear inequality constraints for its first argument, and a vector of nonlinear equality constraints for its second.

The reason to do this is so that I can use the @objective and @nonlin syntax for fmincon; objective and nonlin are only functions of x, not of the parameters, because they are subfunctions of a function that has been passed the parameters already. I believe this is the form I should use in order to pass the gradient and the nonlinear constraints on to fmincon. My problem is that when I run this code, I get the following error

Warning: Trust-region-reflective algorithm does not solve this type of problem, using active-set algorithm. You could also try the interior-point or sqp algorithms: set the Algorithm option to 'interior-point' or 'sqp' and rerun. For more help, see Choosing the Algorithm in the documentation.

IE, for some reason fmincon is leaving the Trust-region-reflective algorithm and going to active set, which does not make use of my analytical gradient. The requirements for fmincon to use analytical gradients is, according to,

Write code that returns: The objective function (scalar) as the first output

The gradient (vector) as the second output

Set the GradObj option to 'on' with optimset.

objective returns a scalar value of the objective and a gradient as required, Gradobj is turned on, so I don't see my problem.


  • I got some help from the Matlab Usenet group, and it was revealed to me that the trust-region methods don't actually support non-linear constraints, so it is not an error in my code at all. They reccomend rewriting to use the 'interior-point' algorithm, which has its own issues, but at least this problem has been solved.