I am trying to add notifications to my app but it seems that nothing is working. I have added the imports in the app module as well as in the page I am implementing the notification .I expected to see notification but after clicking the button nothing is appearing.
import { LocalNotifications } from '@ionic-native/local-notifications';
id: 1,
text: 'Hello there',
data: 'notified'
Code for the button:
<button class="login-button" ion-button round color="secondary"(click)="play()">NOTIFICATION</button>
Assuming that you install and configure properly, try the below steps
Step # 1 ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-local-notification npm install @ionic-native/local-notifications
Step # 2 You will also need to add the plugin as a provider in src/app/app.module.ts
providers: [
{provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: IonicErrorHandler}
May be you forget to add in app.module
Step # 3
Import { LocalNotifications } from '@ionic-native/local-notifications/ngx';
constructor(private localNotifications: LocalNotifications) { }
// Schedule a single notification
id: 1,
text: 'Single ILocalNotification',
sound: isAndroid? 'file://sound.mp3': 'file://beep.caf',
data: { secret: key }