I am trying to randomly set the background image of a webpage from a folder via PHP.
I have the following code:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<body id="Background404">
<p>404-Page not found. <a href="http://url.com>Home.</a></p>
$dir = '/var/www/html/Images';
$fileNames = array();
$handle = opendir($dir);
while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))){
if(is_file($dir.'/'.$file) && is_readable($dir.'/'.$file)){
$fileNames[] = $file;
$fileNames = array_reverse($fileNames);
$totalLength = sizeof($fileNames);
$randInt = rand(0, $totalLength);
$randFile = $fileNames[$randInt];
echo '<style> #Background404{background: url($randFile);}</style>';
Note: the printing of the files is just to ensure I reach that point in code and to see what the files are called. I found a similar question here: Random Background Image PHP but when I used that answer I got just a pure white background.
Here is a copy of printed array:
Array (
[0] => GraniteBridge.png
[1] => mobileBackground.png
[2] => OtherKingdom.png
[3] => NetherBase.png
[4] => BackgroundTablet.png
[5] => Snowy.png
[6] => Village.png
[7] => background2.png
[8] => CactusFarm.png
[9] => FrontView.png
[10] => CreditsPortal.png
[11] => FrontNight.png
[12] => background4.png
[13] => XPFarmRailway.png
[14] => GoldIronFarms.png
[15] => Pyramid.png
[16] => NetherFortress.png
[17] => TheEnd.png
[18] => Library.png
[19] => Background.png
[20] => twitter.png
[21] => mobileBackground1.png
[22] => mobileBackground2.png
[23] => BirdsEyeView.png
[24] => EndPortal.png
[25] => AboveVillage.png
[26] => TowerToTheHeavens.png
[27] => TowerArmorStands.png
[28] => FullSizeBackground.png
[29] => Mansion.png
[30] => Night.png
[31] => Dojo.png
You can use array_rand to get a random index in the array. Then you can use that random index to get an image from your array
$randomImage = $images[array_rand($images)];
This is a complete example which uses glob to fetch the images in the folder
$imagesDir = '/var/www/html/images';
$images = glob($imagesDir . '*.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif}', GLOB_BRACE);
$randomImage = $images[array_rand($images)];
<img style="background-image:url('/path/to/images/<?php echo $randomImage ?>');"/>