I am trying to use unpack
to decode a binary file. The binary file has the following structure:
ABCDEF -> String of fixed length
\t -> tab character
FFF -> 3 Floats
.... -> repeat thousands of times
I know how to do it when types are all the same or with only numbers and fixed length arrays, but I am struggling in this situation. For example, if I had a list of floats I would do
Or if I had integers and floats like
[1, 3.4, 5.2, 4, 2.3, 7.8]
I would do
But in this case I am a bit lost. I was hoping to use a format string such `(CF2)*' with brackets, but it does not work.
I need to use Ruby 2.0.0-p247 if that matters
ary = ["ABCDEF\t", 3.4, 5.6, 9.1, "FEDCBA\t", 2.5, 8.9, 3.1]
s = ary.pack('P7fffP7fff')
["\xA8lf\xF9\xD4\x7F\x00\x00\x9A\x99Y@33\xB3@\x9A\x99\x11", "A\x80lf\xF9\xD4\x7F\x00\x00\x00\x00 @ff\x0EAff"]
s.scan(/.{19}/).map{ |item| item.unpack('P7fff') }
Error: #<ArgumentError: no associated pointer>
<main>:in `unpack'
<main>:in `block in <main>'
<main>:in `map'
<main>:in `<main>'
You could read the file in small chunks of 19 bytes and use 'A7fff'
to pack and unpack. Do not use pointers to structure ('p'
and 'P'
), as they need more than 19 bytes to encode your information.
You could also use 'A6xfff'
to ignore the 7th byte and get a string with 6 chars.
Here's an example, which is similar to the documentation of IO.read
data = [["ABCDEF\t", 3.4, 5.6, 9.1],
["FEDCBA\t", 2.5, 8.9, 3.1]]
binary_file = 'data.bin'
chunk_size = 19
pattern = 'A7fff'
File.open(binary_file, 'wb') do |o|
data.each do |row|
o.write row.pack(pattern)
raise "Something went wrong. Please check data, pattern and chunk_size." unless File.size(binary_file) == data.length * chunk_size
File.open(binary_file, 'rb') do |f|
while record = f.read(chunk_size)
puts '%s %g %g %g' % record.unpack(pattern)
# =>
# ABCDEF 3.4 5.6 9.1
# FEDCBA 2.5 8.9 3.1
You could use a multiple of 19
to speed up the process if your file is large.