I have an sqlcmd command which generates a csv file from a view. Is it possible to replace the NULL values to empty string using the findstr command?
Here is what I tried.
sqlcmd -S . -d SAMPLEDB -U sa -P pass -s"|" -W -Q "SET NOCOUNT ON SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF select * from view_Table" > Sample.csv -h -1 | findstr /v /c:"NULL"
You can easily build the extraction SQL
for each view using the system management views. This simple query:
SELECT v.[name]
FROM sys.views V
INNER JOIN sys.columns C
ON V.[object_id] = C.[object_id];
will return everything we need to perform the task:
So, we need only to build the extraction SQL statements:
SELECT v.[name]
,'SELECT ' + DS.[definition] + ' FROM ' + v.[name]
FROM sys.views V
SELECT ',' + CASE WHEN c.[is_nullable] = 1 THEN 'ISNULL(' + c.[name] + ','''')' ELSE c.[name] END
FROM sys.columns C
WHERE V.[object_id] = C.[object_id]
ORDER BY c.[column_id]
).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)')
) DS ([definition]);
Depending on your SQL version you can reduce the code above - for example using IIF or STRING_AGG.
Also, you can add WHERE
clause to filter the query for specific views.