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How to retrieve a list of ActiveTrustedSigners from a cloudfront distribution?

I think I have trouble understanding the boto3 documentation.

I basically want to retrieve a list of ActiveTrustedSigners for each cloudfront distribution.

From the documentation here I am aware of the class ActiveTrustedSigners.

However how can I retrieve it from a distribution?

Here is code

import boto
import os

from boto.cloudfront import CloudFrontConnection

def main():
    KEY_ID = os.environ['CF_KEY_ID']
    SECRET = os.environ['CF_SECRET']

    cnn = CloudFrontConnection(KEY_ID, SECRET)
    for dist in cnn.get_all_distributions():
        print dist.ActiveTrustedSigners()  # AttributeError: 'DistributionSummary' object has no attribute 'ActiveTrustedSigners'

I got an 'AttributeError' here. So how I can get from DistributionSummary to a list of ActiveTrustedSigners.


  • Turns out I can get the Distribution object from DistributionSummary, and then I can interrogate active_signers from there.

    Here is the final version

    import os
    from boto.cloudfront import CloudFrontConnection
    def main():
        KEY_ID = os.environ['CF_KEY_ID']
        SECRET = os.environ['CF_SECRET']
        cnn = CloudFrontConnection(KEY_ID, SECRET)
        for dist_summary in cnn.get_all_distributions():
            dist = dist_summary.get_distribution()
            if dist.active_signers:
                for signer in dist.active_signers:
                    print signer.key_pair_ids
    if __name__ == '__main__':