So what i want is . to have a form that when i click submit, it gives me output like'testing'&number=1234564
not the usual
it's for Kannel , and it only works with GET forms.
Now Kannel works in GET post as i mentioned. but as Tyler said. it should work behind the scene so that no one just use the SMS feature and send whatever they want.
here is how it works, assuming the username is tester and password is foobar ( it's in the smskannel.conf file ) , these two lines send the sms when kannel is configured and running in the background ( Locally )
$url = "http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms?username=tester&password=foobar&to=0127715667&text='This is the Message'";
Are you sure you want to allow any form on your site directly pass through Kannel?
I would suggest submitting the form to your application as a POST, constructing the URL in the action, and then doing whatever it is you want to do with Kannel. (I'm not very familiar with Kannel)