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How to Refresh Page after navigate back. OnAppearing is not called

On my MainPage I load the current element and display data such as a card. The user can use PushAsync to navigate to the detail or edit page and update the data.

Returning from the navigation bar does not call OnAppearing, so I can not refresh the map (set location).

The way can look like this: MainPage> DetailPage> EditPage

public MainPage()


protected override async void OnAppearing()

  var vm = BindingContext as MainViewModel;
  await vm?.InitializeAsync(null);


void SetLocation()
  try {
    var location = (BindingContext as MainViewModel).Location;

    if (location == null) {
      location = DataObjects.Location.Parse(AppSettings.Current.FallbackMapsLocation);

    var initialPosition = new Position(

    var mapSpan = MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(

  catch (FeatureNotSupportedException) {

From the EditPage I navigate back twice (DetailPage and then MainPage). My object itself is up to date and gets the changes via OnPropertyChanged, so I have the current location as well.

Should I use MessagingCenter or are there other / better options? Xamarin Forms version is 4.0 and I use shell


  • You can try to use an event if you want to trigger some commands when the navigation comes from the next page.

    Firstly, define an event in your DetailPage:

    public delegate void UpdateLocation(string info);
    public event UpdateLocation UpdateLocationEvent;

    Then register this event when you pushed:

    var detailPage = new DetailPage(new DetailViewModel(item));
    detailPage.UpdateLocationEvent += (info) =>
    await Navigation.PushAsync(detailPage);

    At last, you can call this event to trigger the code block in the MainPage. i.e. in the detail page's disappearing event:

    protected override void OnDisappearing()
        UpdateLocationEvent?.Invoke("location info");