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To authenticate .NET Core 3.0 WPF desktop client with AD B2C, how to use the Default OS Browser?

I am creating a new WPF .NET Core 3.0 app, using Microsoft Identity Client (4.0.0), and want to authenticate using AD B2C to gain access to a Web API.

I have registered the app with the AD B2C tenant. But the call to AcquireTokenInteractive is throwing an exception indicating

"Only loopback redirect uri is supported, but urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob was found. Configure http://localhost or http://localhost:port both during app registration and when you create the PublicClientApplication object. See for details".

// Creation of PublicClientApp
// Call to WithRedirectUri is commented out because that redirect URI cannot
// be added during app registration. 
public static IPublicClientApplication PublicClientApp { get; } = PublicClientApplicationBuilder.
    // WithRedirectUri("http://localhost").
// Sign-in method logic
await App.PublicClientApp.AcquireTokenInteractive(App.ApiScopes).

On the AD B2C app registration I cannot add custom URI "http://localhost". Is this scenario not supported? What other options can I use?

Here is the Azure portal AD B2C tenant app registration screen for native client Native app registration screen shot


  • B2C does not currently support this mode of authentication.

    enter image description here

    You can refer to this document for the authentication.