I have the following problem. Given the dictionary
dict = { 'value_1': [12,25,30,45,60] , 'value_2': [ 15,21,31]}
What is an easier way to convert the above dictionary into a data frame with one column being the concatenation of items of the two keys and the other column being the index to each of these items?
Following should be the output
index 0 1
0 value_11 12
1 value_12 25
2 value_13 30
3 value_14 45
4 value_15 60
0 value_21 15
1 value_22 21
2 value_23 31
The approach I took was quite time consuming.
I first took the items and made a list of that. For the indexes I ran a for loop for i , indexing will be 'value_1'+str(i)
and then combined everything into a dataframe. Is there any easier way to do this?
Probably not the fastest, but you can try:
pd.concat(pd.DataFrame([[f'{k}{i+1}', val] for i,val in enumerate(v)])
for k,v in d.items() )
0 1
0 value_11 12
1 value_12 25
2 value_13 30
3 value_14 45
4 value_15 60
0 value_21 15
1 value_22 21
2 value_23 31