I am having a pandas DataFrames with latitude longitude of start and end of a route, so these are my columns ('origin_lat, 'origin_lon',destination_lat','destination_lon').
I am able to plot the locations on Folium map but I am looking for a way to plot the routes between each location.
Here is the code I am using:
m = folium.Map([16.7, 81.095], zoom_start=11)
# mark each origin as a point
for index, row in df.iterrows():
folium.CircleMarker([row['origin_lat'], row['origin_lng']],
fill_color="#3db7e4", # divvy color
for index, row in df.iterrows():
folium.CircleMarker([row['destination_lat'], row['destination_lng']],
fill_color="red", # divvy color
#add routes
folium.PolyLine([list(zip(df.origin_lat, df.origin_lng)),list(zip(df.destination_lat, df.destination_lng))], line_opacity = 0.5, color='white',line_weight=5).add_to(m)
The code I am using is connecting all the origin locations together and all the destination locations together but I want to plot routes between origin and destination locations instead. Any way I can fix it?
If I understood your question correctly, I believe I have your solution
Some imports
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import folium
Some sample data
centroid_lat = 16.7
centroid_lon = 81.095
x = .1
n = 10
o_lats = np.random.uniform(low=centroid_lat - x, high=centroid_lat + x, size=(n,))
o_lons = np.random.uniform(low=centroid_lon - x, high=centroid_lon + x, size=(n,))
d_lats = np.random.uniform(low=centroid_lat - x, high=centroid_lat + x, size=(n,))
d_lons = np.random.uniform(low=centroid_lon - x, high=centroid_lon + x, size=(n,))
df = pd.DataFrame({'origin_lng' : o_lons, 'origin_lat' : o_lats,
'destination_lng': d_lons, 'destination_lat': d_lats})
destination_lat destination_lng origin_lat origin_lng
0 16.797057 81.074000 16.660164 81.080038
1 16.615371 81.001004 16.772645 80.997770
2 16.784289 81.117082 16.670008 81.032719
3 16.686201 81.184775 16.787999 81.189585
4 16.757704 81.127280 16.720080 81.178466
Then the map. No need for two for loops and I'm creating a line each iteration
m = folium.Map([centroid_lat, centroid_lon], zoom_start=11)
for _, row in df.iterrows():
folium.CircleMarker([row['origin_lat'], row['origin_lng']],
fill_color="#3db7e4", # divvy color
folium.CircleMarker([row['destination_lat'], row['destination_lng']],
fill_color="red", # divvy color
folium.PolyLine([[row['origin_lat'], row['origin_lng']],
[row['destination_lat'], row['destination_lng']]]).add_to(m)