I want to create new fields and replace others when I map objects in C #, as I show below
public class one
public int a {get; set;}
public int b {get; set;}
public int c {get; set;}
public class two
public int sum {get; set;} //sum = a + b +c ;
Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
cfg.CreateMap<one, two>();//?????mapping sum = a+b+c;
Please, any idea?
Use an Inline Mapping;
(PS your classes and properties should start with Uppercase)
public class One
public int A {get; set;}
public int B {get; set;}
public int C {get; set;}
public class Two
public int Sum {get; set;} //sum = a + b +c ;
cfg.CreateMap<One, Two>()
.ForMember(dest => dest.Sum, m => m.MapFrom(src => src.A + src.B + src.C));