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Network File Transfer of Part Programs and Part Progam Select

We are developing a project to send G Code programs from a server to an OKUMA CNC. We will need to do a Program Select on the OKUMA CNC for these files.

I couldn't find an example of this. Kindly help me.


  • File Transfer can be accomplished any number of ways.
    Typically people will enable Windows File Sharing and use the System.IO classes for automation.

    And example of how to perform Part Program Select can be found in the example program's "Program" tab with the Button labeled "Select Program". Looking at the THINC API Lathe Sample Application, this leads you to Line 18495 in the frmMain.vb file.

    Private Sub progSelectProgramButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles progSelectProgramButton.Click
            m_objCMDProgram.SelectMainProgram(prog1.Text, prog2.Text, prog3.Text, prog4.Text)
        Catch ae As ApplicationException
            DisplayError("CMD program", ae.Message)
            'Exit Sub
        Catch ex As Exception
            DisplayError("CMD Program", ex.Message)
        End Try
    End Sub

    Please find additional information in the API Help file under the Command API - CProgram class.
