Whenever I run this code, python gives me:
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2)
I'm trying to make a kind of an address book where you can add, delete and change information. I was trying to change the code in line 20 where there is a for
loop (this line is actually a source of problem) but it didn't give any result.
members = {}
class Member:
def __init__(self, name, email, number):
self.name = name
self.email = email
self.number = number
def addmember(name, email, number):
members[name] = email, number
print('Member {0} has been added to addressbook'.format(name))
def Check():
print("You've got {0} members in your addressbook".format(len(members)))
for name, email, number in members.items(): #the problem is here
print('Contact {0} has email:{1} and has number:{2}'.format(name, email, number))
Member.addmember('Tim', 'email@mail.com', '43454')
The error pretty much tells you what's going on: you're trying to unpack 3 items from a list but members.items()
is returning a dict_items
class of key-value pairs, each of which looks like
('Tim', ['email@mail.com', '43454'])
You can use
name, info in members.items()
where info
is a tuple of (email, number)
name, (email, number) in members.items()
to unpack the value tuple into two distinct variables directly.