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Google oauth2 endpoint does not return user profile info (name etc)

I'm trying to use google oauth2 on my web service (golang), but can't get user profile info (given-name, family-name).

I'm trying various endpoints but every time get this kind of answer:


In the same time google playground with this set of scopes returns this kind of answer:

  "family_name": "***", 
  "name": "****", 
  "picture": "https://*******/photo.jpg", 
  "locale": "ru", 
  "email": "****", 
  "given_name": "*****", 
  "id": "************", 
  "verified_email": true

How can i get the same answer in my web-app? People on this site and in the internet advise to add profile scope, but I'm already done this.

Here is my code (shortened)


func init() {
    googleOauthConfig = &oauth2.Config{
        RedirectURL:  "*******",
        ClientID:     "*********",
        ClientSecret: "******",
        Scopes: []string{
        Endpoint: google.Endpoint,

var googleOauthConfig *oauth2.Config

//const oauthGoogleURLAPI = ""
const oauthGoogleURLAPI = ""
//const oauthGoogleURLAPI = ""
const oauthGoogleURLAPI2 = ",emailAddresses"
//const oauthGoogleURLAPI = ""

func HandleGoogleCallback(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

    oauthState, _ := r.Cookie(oauthstateCookieName)

    code := r.FormValue("code") 

    gtoken, err := googleOauthConfig.Exchange(oauth2.NoContext, code)

    bearer := "Bearer " + gtoken.AccessToken

    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", oauthGoogleURLAPI, nil)
    req.Header.Add("Authorization", bearer)

    gresponse, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)

    contents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(gresponse.Body)

    authContent := &AuthContent{}

    err = json.Unmarshal(contents, authContent)



I'm also read this article Google Oauth2 userinfo API not returning user's name data But result is the same : there is no profile info.


Update: On the advice of the comment I slightly corrected code of "" and get id_token. When I checked this id token on, I saw all the data I need. But I thought profile info should be retrieved through API request like this

req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", <endPoint>, nil)
gresponse, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)

In this example only standard go library is used and gresponse contains whole http response, isn't it? Why response does not contains fields that I need?


  • I found the answer. That was my fault. The structure that receive result was looking like this

    type AuthContent struct {
        ID            string `json:"id"`
        Email         string `json:"email"`
        VerifiedEmail bool   `json:"verified_email"`
        Picture       string `json:"picture"`

    This is why there is no fields like name in response.