From Android I post name="organisation", value="wwf"
In the $sql variable $organisation works but when using same variable in the echo it doesn't.
If $organisation
is replaced with wwf in the echo works as inteded and returns the amount of users who selected wwf in the database.
Moving around " .$organistion.
but only get the correct result when hardcode wwf in the sum.
$organisation = $_POST["organisation"];
$sql = "select sum(`$organisation`) from `users` where `$organisation`=1";
$result = mysqli_query($conn,$sql) or die ("Bad Query: $sql");
while ($count = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){
Var $organisation
in my sql query works as intended but in the echo it doesn't return a value. The var $organisation
doesn't seem to have the right format to return its value when used in sum from the array print_r produces.
Give the column in your SQL an alias so you can get it back out easier:
$sql = "select sum(`$organisation`) AS org_count from `users` where `$organisation`=1";
Then you can use
echo $count['org_count'];
to get the value back out.
By the way, you really shouldn't blindly allow $organisation
from a post value. Check it against existing columns first, or else someone can easily break your query.