Currently I have the following code:
import UIKit
struct ToBeSearched {
var value1 = "1"
var value2 = "3"
var value3 = "3"
var boolean = true
var data = [ToBeSearched]()
var completeData = [ToBeSearched]()
public func updateSearchResults(for searchController: UISearchController) {
if let text = searchController.searchBar.text,
!text.isEmpty {
data = completeData.filter{
// How to encapsulate this behavior, i.e. to extend it to use new values (value2, value2...)
} else {
data = completeData
It's a simple search code that finds all the values where value1
contain search text.
What if I'd like to match also value2
and value3
? How could I extract the search logic, so that it could be altered separately, without touching the main code.
Currently, I'd have to use the binary OR
operator to go through all the cases:
let searchText = text.lowercased()
$0.value1.lowercased().contains(searchText) ||
$0.value2.lowercased().contains(searchText) ||
Is there a more elegant way of achieving the same result?
Method 1: Specifiy the properties to search using [KeyPath]
If you just want to flexibly specify which fields to search of the ToBeSearched
struct, you can pass in an array [KeyPath]
of the properties to search, and use contains
with a closure inside of filter
to check if any of the properties identified by the keyPaths contain the text you are searching for:
public func updateSearchResults(for searchController: UISearchController, using keyPaths: [KeyPath<ToBeSearched, String>]) {
if let text = searchController.searchBar.text,
!text.isEmpty {
data = completeData.filter { element in
keyPaths.contains { keyPath in element[keyPath: keyPath].lowercased().contains(text.lowercased()) }
} else {
data = completeData
To search value1
and value2
updateSearchResults(for: searchController, using: [\.value1, \.value2])
Method 2: Pass in a closure for the filter
public func updateSearchResults(for searchController: UISearchController, using filterProc: (ToBeSearched) -> Bool) {
if let text = searchController.searchBar.text,
!text.isEmpty {
data = completeData.filter(filterProc)
} else {
data = completeData
let filterProc: (ToBeSearched) -> Bool = {
$0.value1.lowercased().contains(searchText) ||
updateSearchResults(for: searchController, using: filterProc)