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Adding logging to soap web service

I would like to log my request and response. I found a very easy solution to do so by changing the properties recommended here: Tracing XML request/responses with JAX-WS

My problem is, that I do not want to log credentials, so I manually need to adapt the log-message.

I am new to soap so I have not much experience at all.

I use a gradle plugin to create java classes of my WSDL:

My code to create a service:

import javax.xml.namespace.QName

private MYSoapWsdlClass createClient(String url) {

    URL serverEndpoint = new URL(url)
    Service service = Service.create(serverEndpoint, SERVICE_NAME)
    return service.getPort(MYSoapWsdlClass.class)

So how could I get the logging handler in here? Or is there another easy way to instantiate my service using the wsdl? Usually I use groovy, but could not find a wsdl2groovy plugin.

Many thanks


  • We now use org.apache.cxf

    It was a bit tricky to figure it out at first, but then it does provide a very nice way to add features - including a logging feature.

    The Service is created int he spring config:

      public static final LoggingFeature LOGGING_FEATURE = new LoggingFeature(outSender: new CustomEventOutSender(),
                                                                          inSender: new CustomEventInSender(),
                                                                          limit: -1)
    MYSoapWsdlClass mYSoapWsdlClass() {
        JaxWsProxyFactoryBean factory = new JaxWsProxyFactoryBean(serviceClass: MYSoapWsdlClass.class,
                                                              address: url,
                                                              features: [LOGGING_FEATURE]
        return factory.create()