I'm using Kotlinx serialization library in a multiplatform library for iOS and Android to handle HTTP requests. But I have this message when I'm using my request function on iOS, is there a workaround ? What line in my function is calling the unimplemented function ?
kotlin.NotImplementedError: An operation is not implemented: Obtaining serializer from KClass is not available on native due to the lack of reflection. Use .serializer() directly on serializable class.
To Reproduce
This is the function I wrote
private suspend fun authenticationRequest(email: String, password: String): Either<ErrorMessage, Authentication> {
return try {
val response: Authentication = {
body = jsonSerializer.write(LoginType(email, password))
} catch (e: ResponseException) {
val message = Json.parse<ErrorMessage>(e.response.content.readUTF8Line() ?: "").apply {
codeHttp = e.response.status.value
reason = e.response.status.description
Kotlin version: 1.3.31
Kotlinx serialization version: 0.11.0
Kotlin platforms: iOS and Android
Gradle version: 5.1.1
I resolved the issue by myself. To make it work, I had to use setMapper when initialising KotlinxSerializer
val serialiser = KotlinxSerializer(Json.nonstrict).apply {
setMapper(Foo::class, Foo.serializer())
And when I call Json.parse(), the other signature of this function is useful
Json.parse(ErrorMessage.serializer(), e.response.content.readUTF8Line() ?: "")