I have a list of events in my app(UI-1, left side screen), on there month name is repeating always.
I need to remove the repeated month name from the list and need a UI like UI-2(right side).
I am using listview for this feature and following is my code:
In my case, I need to show my list in the month order. I have added my current codes below:
My Model Class:
public class CalendarEvents
public List<EventsHB> eventsHB { get; set; }
public class EventsHB
public string month { get; set; }
public EventTO eventTO { get; set; }
public class EventTO
public string calendarEventId { get; set; }
public string title { get; set; }
public long startDate { get; set; }
public string startTime { get; set; }
My JSON Response:
"eventsHB": [
"eventTO": {
"calendarEventId": 136,
"title": " school event",
"startDate": 1561006800000,
"startTime": "6:15 PM"
"month": "July"
"eventTO": {
"calendarEventId": 139,
"title": "New Admission Day"
"startDate": 1560834000000
"startTime": "10:00 AM"
"month": "July"
"eventTO": {
"calenderId": 810354,
"title": "event pta"
"startDate": 1559710800000,
"startTime": "10:00 AM"
"month": "June"
"eventTO": {
"calendarEventId": 89,
"title": "Memorial Day Meet",
"startDate": 1559365200000,
"startTime": "8:00 AM"
"month": "June"
<ListView x:Name="MyEventsListview"
ItemsSource="{Binding AllItems,Mode=TwoWay}">
Text="{Binding month}"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="50*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="50*" />
Text="{Binding eventTO.startDate, Converter={StaticResource dayConverter}}"/>
Text="{Binding eventTO.startDate, Converter={StaticResource dateConverter}}"/>
Text="{Binding eventTO.startTime}"/>
Text="{Binding eventTO.title}"/>
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
var Response = await client.GetAsync("My REST Call");
if (Response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
string response = await Response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
myevents = new CalendarEvents();
if (response != "")
myevents = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CalendarEvents>(response.ToString());
AllItems = new ObservableCollection<EventsHB>(myevents.eventsHB);
I don't know what changes need to do in the model class, xaml and ViewModel for grouping the list in month view. Can anyone suggest solution hints?
I write a sample for you to show what model and data you should have to show a Grouped ListView in your case:
The model and data should be something like this:
public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
public ObservableCollection<EventsHB> AllItems { get; set; }
public MainPage()
AllItems = new ObservableCollection<EventsHB>();
var julyGroup = new EventsHB() {month = "july"};
julyGroup.Add(new EventTO() { calendarEventId = "1", title = "firstTitle", startDate = "01-1-1", startTime = "01-1-1"});
julyGroup.Add(new EventTO() { calendarEventId = "2", title = "secondTitle", startDate = "02-1-1", startTime = "01-1-2" });
julyGroup.Add(new EventTO() { calendarEventId = "3", title = "thirdTitle", startDate = "02-1-1", startTime = "01-1-3" });
julyGroup.Add(new EventTO() { calendarEventId = "4", title = "fourthTitle", startDate = "02-1-1", startTime = "01-1-4" });
var juneGroup = new EventsHB() { month = "june" };
juneGroup.Add(new EventTO() { calendarEventId = "1", title = "junefirstTitle", startDate = "01-1-1", startTime = "01-1-1" });
juneGroup.Add(new EventTO() { calendarEventId = "2", title = "junesecondTitle", startDate = "02-1-1", startTime = "01-1-2" });
juneGroup.Add(new EventTO() { calendarEventId = "3", title = "junethirdTitle", startDate = "02-1-1", startTime = "01-1-3" });
juneGroup.Add(new EventTO() { calendarEventId = "4", title = "junefourthTitle", startDate = "02-1-1", startTime = "01-1-4" });
//more months like April,May can be added
BindingContext = this;
public class EventsHB : ObservableCollection<EventTO>
public string month { get; set; }
public EventTO eventTO { get; set; }
public class EventTO
public string calendarEventId { get; set; }
public string title { get; set; }
public string startDate { get; set; }
public string startTime { get; set; }
And in your json data, the data structure seems not fit the structure I listed in my sample, so what you have to do is to convert your data to the proper structure, I write a test function and you can check if it works:
//A test function to convert you json array to the array we need
void test()
EventsHB julyGroup = new EventsHB() { month = "july" }; ;
EventsHB juneGroup = new EventsHB() { month = "june" };
//other months group
foreach (var item in AllItems)
EventsHB hb = item;
if (hb.month == "july")
else if (hb.month == "june")
}//...other months
//at last, add them to All items.
//...add other months
You can convert it in your own ways.
The sample is here: grouped-listView
Refer: customizing-list-appearance#grouping
Really complex to convert data structure in app side, I convert it for you and I add comments everyWhere I updated the code in the project.
The reason you get the exception was because the model EventsHB : ObservableCollection<EventTO>
, so I create a new one here to deserialize json.
public class CalendarEvents
//update here: here should be List<EventsHBTwo>
public List<EventsHBTwo> eventsHB { get; set; }
//update use this one to shou grouped list data
public class EventsHB : ObservableCollection<EventTO>
public string month { get; set; }
public EventTO eventTO { get; set; }
//Update: use this one to deserialize json
public class EventsHBTwo
public string month { get; set; }
public EventTO eventTO { get; set; }
In ViewModel.cs:
//Update: add a new tempItem to get json data
public ObservableCollection<EventsHBTwo> tempItem
return _tempItems;
_tempItems = value;
And then use this tempItem to get json data:
tempItem = new ObservableCollection<EventsHBTwo>(myevents.eventsHB);
//update: converData here
And the convert function:
public void converData(ObservableCollection<EventsHBTwo> allItem)
AllItems = new ObservableCollection<EventsHB>();
EventsHB julyGroup = new EventsHB() { month = "July" };
EventsHB juneGroup = new EventsHB() { month = "June" };
foreach (var item in allItem)
EventsHBTwo hb = item;
if (hb.month == "July")
else if (hb.month == "June")
//at last, add them to All items.
Last in the xaml, add IsGroupingEnabled GroupShortNameBinding GroupDisplayBinding here:
<ListView x:Name="MyEventsListview"
RefreshCommand="{Binding RefreshCommand}"
IsRefreshing="{Binding IsRefreshing}"
ItemsSource="{Binding AllItems,Mode=TwoWay}"
GroupDisplayBinding="{Binding month}"
GroupShortNameBinding="{Binding month}">
And use startDate startTime directly instead of eventTO.startDate.
I uploaded my sample here and you can check it: working-grouped-listView-xamarin.forms
The best way to achieve this is to ask your service side to give you json like this: