I want to call the functions of paillier library (http://acsc.cs.utexas.edu/) in C++ environment. I found out the helpful site (Typedef function with void * pointer) and followed the comment answered Feb 10 '15 at 12:40 from Niemand. But, my code output error messages as follows.
I appreciate your any comments to solve the problems. My detail procedures is as follows.
Compiling and installing gmp library (with default option)
Compiling and installing paillier library (with default option)
Sample code for paillier library test
Setting properties for project in eclipse to use libraries
In [Properties] - [C/C++ Build] - [Settings] - [Tool Settings],
My environment's version is as follows
What happens if you switch the link order? That is, use input "paillier", "gmp". Especially with static libraries, link order is important.