I am trying to build the LZMA 18.05 library on Ubuntu 18.04, but here's what happens when I run make
in C/Util/LzmaLib
make makefile:26: *** missing seperator. Stop.
I really don't understand what could be causing this as I am not the one who made the code, but rather a well known library. Here's line 26:
!include "../../../CPP/Build.mak"
Below is the code for the makefile in question:
SLIB = sLZMA.lib
DEF_FILE = LzmaLib.def
$O\LzmaLibExports.obj \
C_OBJS = \
$O\Alloc.obj \
$O\LzFind.obj \
$O\LzFindMt.obj \
$O\LzmaDec.obj \
$O\LzmaEnc.obj \
$O\LzmaLib.obj \
$O\Threads.obj \
OBJS = \
$(C_OBJS) \
!include "../../../CPP/Build.mak"
lib -out:$(SLIBPATH) $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
$(LIB_OBJS): $(*B).c
$(C_OBJS): ../../$(*B).c
Any idea how to fix this? If you need more, here's the download link to the library.
That's not a GNU makefile. I think it's for nmake on Windows. The other stuff (obj
, def
, lib
, dll
and a resource file) also points to a Windows library build, so just patching up the include syntax isn't enough. This doesn't look like something that's meant to build on Unix.