Bad things happening on iCloud/Cloudkit Dashboard for my app's container right now. Below is a summary of the issues I am having:
Issue 1: Login to the Cloudkit Dashboard. Select container. Select Production>Telemetry. Error Popup: "Unable to Load Telemetry Data. Please file a Radar and include the current URL"
Issue 2: Select Logs from top Dropdown. Select Historical. Tap Search Logs. Error: "Error Loading Logs. The Logs could not be queried. Please try again later."
Issue 3: Select Usage from top Dropdown. There is absolutely no usage in Monthly or Daily (which is inaccurate)
Issue 4: Select Data from top Dropdown. Select Subscriptions. Hit Fetch Subscriptions button. "There are no subscriptions in this database" displays (which is inaccurate).
Issue 5: Change notifications are not being sent for subscriptions that, when queried for within the app, DO exist.
Are these problems just something that I am experiencing, or are other people having similar issues with iCloud/Cloudkit? Is this related to the new UI? Is there anything I can try to do to debug or fix these issues or is this something that is simply out of my control?
This sounds to me like something unique to your account, or potentially a temporary degradation of service on Apple's part.
I would contact Developer Technical Support and see if they can help.