I am using OracleClient with C#. I have a stored procedure returning multiple cursors. I have to associate each cursors to different tables. But when It tried to do this I am getting this error.
ORA-24338: statement handle not executed
Can anybody help me to rectify this issue.
I have currently implemented such code. So, let me give you the steps I followed.
In the DAC layer, I arranged the input parameters and out put parameters (RefCursors) of the stored procedure.
using (DbCommand objCmd = dbObject.GetSqlStringCommand(queryString))
Iterate through the parameter count.
for (int i = 0; i < objcmd.Parameters.Count; i++)
if(objcmd.Parameters[i].DbType == DbType.Object)
if(!(OracleRefCursor) objCmd.Parameters[i].Value).IsNull)
var cursorParam = ((OracleRefCursor) objCmd.Parameters[i].Value).GetDataReader();
if(cursorParam.HasRows && cursorParam.FieldCount > 0)
MapCursors(cursorParam, objcmd.Parameters[i].ParameterName, response); //type of your response object.
The last step is MapCursors method implementation.
private void MapCursors(OracleDataReader cursorParam, string parameterName, ClassName response)
case "Ref_CursorName1":
RetriveDataFromRef_CursorName1(cursorParam, response);
Do the mapping of cursor data to that of your object (response).