I'd like to write a macro which will let me perform some operations on each attribute of a record, like deserialize a CSV row into the record instance with proper type casting. Where do I start from?
This is a very broad question. So I'll answer two different ones.
Simple, just use a loop!
numbers = [5, 3, 2, 1]
{% for operator in [:*, :+, :/, :-] %}
numbers.map! {|number| number {{operator.id}} 23 }
{% end %}
p numbers
[-17, -19, -20, -21]
Via TypeNode#instance_vars
struct Bag
property has_wallet : Bool = false
property has_bottle : Bool = false
property has_keys : Bool = false
def fill_bag(bag)
{% for name in Bag.instance_vars %}
bag.{{name.id}} = true
{% end %}
p fill_bag(Bag.new)
Bag(@has_wallet=true, @has_bottle=true, @has_keys=true)