I'm trying to figure out how to include a variable that I grab from a sensor inside an AT+UHTTPC command to post the values inside a DB.
I tried using the HTTPPAR command but it seems the GPRS I have doesn't recognize it ( I have a SARA G350 GPRS shield )
Here's the code I'm using right now which cannot contain a variable :
mySerial.println("AT+UHTTPC=2,5,\"/add.php\",\"post.ffs\",\"vite=10\",0"); updateSerial();
You just need to read your sensor value and create a new string based on that then pass it to your serial output.
void send_value()
String command = "AT+UHTTPC=2,5,\"/add.php\",\"post.ffs\",\"vite=";
float Windspeed = analogRead(A0);
// convert value to String
command += String(Windspeed);
// or convert with precision
// command += String(Windspeed, 2);
command += "\",0";