I am reading Programming in Emacs Lisp
Here is another list, this time with a list inside of it:
'(this list has (a list inside of it))
I am confused with the nested list, why it has not a prefix quoting as
'(this list has '(a list inside of it))
if not has a prefix `, why it not parse the a as a function?
is an abbreviation for (quote s-expression)
: anything inside the s-expression is considered a datum and it is not evaluated.
'(this list has (a list inside of it))
is an abbreviation of:
(quote (this list has (a list inside of it)))
that contains the following list:
(this list has (a list inside of it))
which is the value of the entire quote
form since it is not evaluated.
It is easy to verify this by writing:
'(this list has '(a list inside of it))
This, if evaluated, will produce as value the following list:
(this list has (quote (a list inside of it)))