I have created a simple executable (.exe) file using Inno Setup Compiler 6.0.2 for installing a Windows application.
The .exe file calls a vbscript "Setup.vbs" that unzips "Application.zip" file and updates environment variables.
When I run the .exe file for the first time on a new machine, the .vbs file doesn't get executed. But, from second attempt onwards it works fine. Is this a known issue or is there any solution for this?
Here is the code snippet that I am using to call run .vbs file
function PrepareToInstall(var NeedsRestart: Boolean): String;
var ResultCode: integer;
ShellExec('',ExpandConstant('{app}\{#MyAppExeName}'), '', '', SW_SHOW, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode)
I want the .vbs to execute before the installation. So, I tried ExtractTemporaryFile
, still I am facing the same issue. Not sure what is is wrong with the code below.
#define MyAppExeName "Setup.vbs"
Source: "..\Application\Installation_Setup\Setup.vbs"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
function PrepareToInstall(var NeedsRestart: Boolean): String;
ResultCode: integer;
ShellExec('',ExpandConstant('{app}\{#MyAppExeName}'), '', '', SW_SHOW, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode)
happens before installation. As you execute a file that is installed, it does not exist yet at the time you call it.
Possible solutions
Execute the script after installation from CurStepChanged(ssPostInstall)
Code to run after all files are installed
Or you can use [Run]
Executing installed batch file in Inno Setup
If you need to execute the script before installation (I do not think that's your case), use ExtractTemporaryFile
For extracting ZIP, you do not need VBS script, you can do that directly from Inno Setup code.
How to get Inno Setup to unzip a file it installed (all as part of the one installation process)