I am trying to insert form data to a table using a stored procedure by calling the ExecuteAsync method of Dapper. After sending the parameters names are changed.
public static async Task<bool> Insert(DynamicParameters dp)
int IsSuccessed;
using (SqlConnection c = new SqlConnection(con))
IsSuccessed = await c.ExecuteAsync("AddStudent", dp, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
return IsSuccessed > 0 ? true : false;
Parameters are changed showing in a sql server Profiler
declare @p8 nvarchar(100)
set @p8=NULL
exec AddStudent @Name1=N'Ahmad',@TazkiraNumber1=N'890',@TazkiraPage1=N'0987',@TazkiraVolume1=N'8',@GenderID1=N'1',@VisitorSourceID1=N'2',@msg=@p8 output
select @p8
The following code make a dynamic parameters from form collection:
var dp = new DynamicParameters();
foreach (string key in form.Keys)
dp.Add(key.ToString(), form[key]);
I am getting form data using IFormCollection and creating DynamicParameters from the key and value of form collection and pass the dynamic parameter to the ExecuteAsync method and it calls the stored procedure to insert the data to the tables. The process of executing the stored procedure fails.
I run the SQL server profiler and observed that 1 is appended to each parameter as @Name became @Name1.
Any idea why is this happing?
For this issue, it is caused by that, StringValues
is failed to converted to the DbType
Try code below:
foreach (string key in form.Keys)
dp.Add(key.ToString(), form[key].ToString());