I'm using SpringBoot 2.1.3 (Embedded Tomcat)
+ Thymeleaf 3.0
+ Java 8
I have a simple class like this:
public class Machine {
private Integer price;
private String settings;
And a simple application.properties
But when I instantiate the class anyway in the code:
Machine m = new Machine();
It returns null. Obviuosly if I do:
public class Machine {
private Integer price;
private String settings = "Default";
It works.. Or if I use that value inside a class method it works again. What's wrong? Can I do something like that?
Thank you
A class should be declared with stereotype annotations to use @Value
public class Machine {
private Integer price;
private String settings;
And of course you have to autowire the Machine class (Spring has defined the bean), instantiating a new Object will not get the value, so to use
public class FooService {
private Machine machine;
public void fooMethod() {
System.out.println(machine.getSettings()); // default