I have a template defined as follows:
(deftemplate fact
(slot name)
(multislot field)
(multislot value))
Can I have this above defined fact as a slot/multislot in another template?
For example:
(deftemplate collection1
(slot fact1))
(deftemplate collection2
(slot fact1)
(slot fact2))
In the above desired template, each slot fact should be of defined template fact. I want to have such collection of many number of slots. Or at least the desired outcome is to assert collection with fields similar to fact template. So that I could have a logically link between name, fields and values.
(fact1 (name 'ID')
(field 'Name' 'Company' 'Role')
(value 'Bob' 'ABC' 'Admin'))
(fact2 (name 'Event')
(field 'Name' 'Place')
(value 'Conference' 'USA')))
Expected outcome : CLIPS could assert the above recursive fact. Is this possible, or any alternative to the problem.
Thank you in advance.
Sure you can, you can also restrict the slot type to specifically be a fact address.
(deftemplate fact
(slot name)
(multislot field)
(multislot value))
(deftemplate collection
(slot fact (type FACT-ADDRESS)))
(assert (collection (fact (assert (fact (name "ID")
(field "Name" "Company" "Role")
(value "Bob" "ABC" "Admin"))))))
The facts list:
f-0 (initial-fact)
f-1 (fact (name "ID") (field "Name" "Company" "Role") (value "Bob" "ABC" "Admin"))
f-2 (collection (fact <Fact-1>))