I have this pretty trivial model:
Category: columns: id: { type: integer } name: { type: string(50) } description: { type: text } actAs: I18n: fields: [name, description]
I use admin generator to create CRUD interface for this model and the problem is that I can't find the way to show i18n fields (name and description). When I try explicitly listing them in generator.yml I get the error 'Widget "name" does not exist.'.
Is there any build in way to do this or I have to create my own custom widgets, or else?
I finally found the answer well 'hidden' into Symfony own documentation :) (Practical symfony - Day 19: Internationalization and Localization)
The key part is to embed i18n to the form using:
where $cultures is array with required cultures. For example:
$cultures = array('en', 'fr', 'ru');
This was showstopper for me and hard to find straightforward explanation, so I hope it will save some time for other Symfony users.