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HAProxy, PGSQL with SSL and multiple clusters under single port

In my use case I'm using SSL to connect to the PG nodes, since I do not want to have SSL termination, I'm locked in to use TCP mode.

With TCP mode, I have no access to the header information, especially host. Because of this I can not use something like

# Primary - RW
frontend PGSQL_primary
    bind *:5432

    acl host_pglab hdr(host) -i pglab-db.local
    acl host_stage hdr(host) -i stage-db.local

    use_backend cluster_pglab-primary if host_pglab
    use_backend cluster_stage-primary if host_stage

backend cluster_pglab-primary
    option httpchk OPTIONS /master
    http-check expect status 200
    default-server inter 2s fall 2 rise 2 on-marked-down shutdown-sessions
    server pglab-db-01 pglab-db-01.local:5432 maxconn 100 check check-ssl verify none port 8008
    server pglab-db-02 pglab-db-02.local:5432 maxconn 100 check check-ssl verify none port 8008

backend cluster_stage-primary
    option httpchk OPTIONS /master
    http-check expect status 200
    default-server inter 2s fall 2 rise 2 on-marked-down shutdown-sessions
    server pglab-db-01 stage-db-01.local:5432 maxconn 100 check check-ssl verify none port 8008
    server pglab-db-02 stage-db-02.local:5432 maxconn 100 check check-ssl verify none port 8008

From client connect to port 5432 and redirect the traffic to either pglab or stage cluster's primary node, depending on the hostname.

Is there some alternative to this, that I can avoid using new port for every cluster ?


  • I think you'll probably need a protocol-aware proxy like pgbouncer or pgpool.

    Of the two I should think that pgbouncer is closer to haproxy in intention and usage.