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Adding values in a default dictionary - Python (or merging)

I am currently working on a code and I am wondering if there is a way to merge the dictionary values and add them:

Example Dictionary:

defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {'1 and 2': [181, 343], '2 and 5': [820], '2 and 6': [1], '1 and 3': [332], '1 and 4': [77], '3 and 4': [395], '3 and 5': [823]})

Note: 1 and 2, for example, stays for Employees ID 1 and 2, and [181,343] stays for days worked on different projects. I want to merge their total days of working together on projects for the eventual output.

So it would result in:

defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {'1 and 2': [524], ... )



  • Here

    data = {'1 and 2': [181, 343], '2 and 5': [820], '2 and 6': [1], '1 and 3': [332], '1 and 4': [77], '3 and 4': [395], '3 and 5': [823]}
    data_with_sum = {k:sum(v) for k,v in data.items()}


    {'1 and 2': 524, '2 and 5': 820, '2 and 6': 1, '1 and 3': 332, '1 and 4': 77, '3 and 4': 395, '3 and 5': 823}