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How to get outlook free busy schedule using microsoft-graph sdk php

I am using microsoft-graph api sdk here is the url: msgraph-sdk-php

I need to check if an user's appointment is available / busy in the outlook calendar.

I am trying using following code

$graph = new Graph();
$data = [
        'Schedules' => '[email protected]',
        'Start' => [
            'DateTime' => '2019-06-8T09:00:00+0530',
            'TimeZone' => 'Pacific Standard Time',
        'End' => [
            'DateTime' => '2019-06-9T09:00:00+0530',
            'TimeZone' => 'Pacific Standard Time',
        'availabilityViewInterval' => '30',

    $url = "/me/calendar/getschedule";
    $response = $graph->createRequest("POST", $url)

I am getting following error : message: "Client error: POST resulted in a 400 Bad Request response:↵{ ↵ "error": { ↵ "code": "RequestBodyRead", ↵ "message": "When trying to read a null collection parameter value i (truncated...)↵

I have also checked this microsoft docs details here is the url : outlook-get-free-busy-schedule

I did not found getschedule-api using php microsoft-graph sdk in documentation. I need to use php microsoft-graph api sdk.

kindly provide me any solution about this error.



  • We do not need to pass


    Try using this :

    $data = [
        'Schedules' => ['[email protected]'],
        "StartTime" => (object)[
            "dateTime" => "2019-06-08T09:00:00",
            "timeZone" => "Pacific Standard Time"
        "EndTime" => (object)[
            "dateTime" => "2019-06-8T23:00:00",
            "timeZone" => "Pacific Standard Time"
        'availabilityViewInterval' => '30'
    $url = "/me/calendar/getschedule";
    $response = $graph->createRequest("POST", $url)


    Hope this'll help.