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multiprocessing.RawArray operation

I read that RawArray can be shared between proceses without being copied, and wanted to understand how it is possible in Python.

I saw in, that a RawArray is constructed from a BufferWrapper from, then nullified with ctypes.memset.

BufferWrapper is made of an Arena object, which itself is built from an mmap (or 100 mmaps in windows, see line 40 in

I read that the mmap system call is actually used to allocate memory in Linux/BSD, and the Python module uses MapViewOfFile for windows.

mmap seems handy then. It seems to be able to work directly with mp.pool-

from struct import pack
from mmap import mmap

def pack_into_mmap(idx_nums_tup):

    idx, ints_to_pack = idx_nums_tup
    pack_into(str(len(ints_to_pack)) + 'i', shared_mmap, idx*4*total//2 , *ints_to_pack)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    total = 5 * 10**7
    shared_mmap = mmap(-1, total * 4)
    ints_to_pack = range(total)

    pool = Pool(), enumerate((ints_to_pack[:total//2], ints_to_pack[total//2:])))

My question is -

How does the multirocessing module know not to copy the mmap based RawArray object between processes, like it does with "regular" python objects?


  • [Python 3.Docs]: multiprocessing - Process-based parallelism serializes / deserializes data exchanged between processes using a proprietary protocol: [Python 3.Docs]: pickle - Python object serialization (and from here the terms: pickle / unpickle).

    According to [Python 3.Docs]: pickle - object.__getstate__():

    Classes can further influence how their instances are pickled; if the class defines the method __getstate__(), it is called and the returned object is pickled as the contents for the instance, instead of the contents of the instance’s dictionary. If the __getstate__() method is absent, the instance’s __dict__ is pickled as usual.

    As seen in (Win variant of) Arena.__getstate__, (class chain: sharedctypes.RawArray -> heap.BufferWrapper - > heap.Heap -> heap.Arena), only the metadata (name and size) are pickled for the Arena instance, but not the buffer itself.

    Conversely, in __setstate__, the buffer is constructed based on the (above) metadata.