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How can I cause Simple Injector to use different concrete classes for the same interface, but with different classes

I can do this with StructureMap using Constructor Injection. However I cannot find a way to do this with Simple Injector. Here is some code that illustrates this (sorry for the length)

I've looked at the lambda in the Register method, but can't seem to understand how to call a single application wide instance of the container to get the one instance I need.

These are the object graphs I wish to construct:

var bannerTalker =
    new LoudMouth(
        new ConsoleShouter(), // Implements IConsoleVoicer
        new ObnoxiousBannerGenerator());

var plainTalker = 
    new TimidSpeaker(
        new ConsoleWhisperer());  // Implements IConsoleVoicer

Here's the code:

``` c#
public interface IConsoleVoicer
    void SaySomething(string whatToSay);

public class ConsoleWhisperer : IConsoleVoicer
    public void SaySomething(string whatToSay)

public class ConsoleShouter : IConsoleVoicer
    public void SaySomething(string whatToSay)

public interface IBannerGenerator
    string GetBanner();

public class ObnoxiousBannerGenerator : IBannerGenerator
    public string GetBanner()
        return "OBNOXIOUS";

public interface IBannerTalker
    void SayWithBanner(string somethingToSay);

public class LoudMouth : IBannerTalker
    private IConsoleVoicer Voicer { get; set; }
    private IBannerGenerator BannerGenerator { get; set; }

    public LoudMouth(
        IConsoleVoicer concoleVoicer, IBannerGenerator bannerGenerator)
        Voicer = concoleVoicer;
        BannerGenerator = bannerGenerator;

    public void SayWithBanner(string somethingToSay)
            BannerGenerator.GetBanner(), somethingToSay));

public interface IPlainTalker
    void SayIt(string somethingToSay);

public class TimidSpeaker : IPlainTalker
    private IConsoleVoicer Voicer { get; set; }

    public TimidSpeaker(IConsoleVoicer concoleVoicer)
        Voicer = concoleVoicer;

    public void SayIt(string somethingToSay)

And this is what I've tried:

static void Main(string[] args)
    var container = new Container();
    container.Register<IBannerGenerator, ObnoxiousBannerGenerator>();

    container.Register<IPlainTalker, TimidSpeaker>();
    container.Register<IBannerTalker, LoudMouth>();

    //HERE IS THE DILEMMA! How do I assign
    // to IBannerTalker a A LoudMouth contructed with a ConsoleShouter,
    // and to IPlainTalkerTalker a A TimidSpeaker contructed with a ConsoleWhisperer 

    //container.Register<IConsoleVoicer, ConsoleShouter>();
    container.Register<IConsoleVoicer, ConsoleWhisperer>();

    var bannerTalker = container.GetInstance<IBannerTalker>();
    var plainTalker = container.GetInstance<IPlainTalker>();

    bannerTalker.SayWithBanner("i am a jerk");
    plainTalker.SayIt("people like me");


  • Ric .Net is right in pointing you at the RegisterConditional methods. The following registrations complete your quest:

    container.Register<IBannerGenerator, ObnoxiousBannerGenerator>();
    container.Register<IPlainTalker, TimidSpeaker>();
    container.Register<IBannerTalker, LoudMouth>();
    container.RegisterConditional<IConsoleVoicer, ConsoleShouter>(
        c => c.Consumer.ImplementationType == typeof(LoudMouth));
    container.RegisterConditional<IConsoleVoicer, ConsoleWhisperer>(
        c => c.Consumer.ImplementationType == typeof(TimidSpeaker));